June 4, 2008

The "O" Man


Finally. The "O" Man did it. I hope he lets the dust settle before he picks a VP. I am not a big fan of putting Clinton as VP. I think Webb from Virgina might be a better choice. But lets wait and see...... The Republicans need Clinton to feed their hate machine and there IS always something going on with her and Bill. She is too easy a target. I feel it was pretty classless last night of her not to concede to Obama. Her and her supporters are such.... I don't know, what......crybabies. I am looking forward to the Obama V. McCain election. Politics is like football to me.


Anonymous said...

I am not looking forward to this election. Of all the bad choices Rs and Ds had during the primaries, we now have to pick from the worst two. Luckily, the winner will ultimately do less harm as President than Senator.

Dente Press said...

The worst two? I'm not sure about that Sir Esteban. I am SO looking forward to this election, and getting this Knucklehead out of the Whitehouse.I will order an "O" Man sign for the front of your house. Oh, Hillary said thanks for the money, she'll use it to pay off all her campaign debts.

Anonymous said...

Oh, daddy ...dente, there are several Rs and Ds much more qualified than the two winners. If you read the Issues part of M's and O's respective web sites, you'll understand what I mean. They're so vague. And when they're not, they present foolish positions on important issues. I'll gladly come over one day and we can go through them. H, in my opinion, had the clearest positions. I didn't agree with most of them, but I understood them. H would have been a much more effective President. M and O will have zero support from the opposing party and a big chunk of their own. I think little of what they propose will ever get done.

Dente Press said...

You really have drank the FOX kool-aide, haven't you, Sir Esteban??? How much do I think they can accomplish in what they propose? Well, it depends on how much they can motovate "US" to do something to get it done.

Anonymous said...

Surely, daddy-al-dente, you're not insinuating that my thoughts are the product of Fox News sound bytes, right? As I stated, my opinions come from reading the canditates' position papers and reading speech transcripts, etc. C'mon, you know me better than that... My point, and belief, is that because of their positions, neither O or M have the kind of support from their respective parties to be an effective president. The only likelyhood for an effective government is that O wins, that the election produces a 60% D majority in congress, and the new reps and senators are ultra liberal. Otherwise, the next four years will be like a doughnut hole - void of substance.