June 26, 2008

The Ficus Hedge, My Love/Hate Relationship

Anyone familiar with the South Florida landscape knows about the ficus hedge. It can be your greatest friend or your worst enemy, depending on the circumstances. It's way better than a wooden fence, if properly maintained. Its a living wall, and that's the problem, it never stops growing. During the winter months, you can get away not trimming it for maybe a couple of months (Isn't that ALL of winter?). But during the summer rainy season, expect to have to trim it every couple of weeks. If your neighbors are the type of people that let their landscape go wild......well, your in deep trouble. The taller they get, the deeper and farther the roots will go. I currently have over 216 feet of ficus in my backyard and it's about 8 feet tall. I love the privacy, but knowing I have to get on a ladder every two weeks and trim it is daunting. I'm knocked out for the rest of the day. So, if your thinking of planting a ficus hedge, think about it hard, it will always provide great privacy, but your going to have to bust your butt for it.

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