January 3, 2009

St. Peter's English Ale

Wow! What a different type of beer, Delicious! I'm still thinking about this beer, which is a very good sign. Beautiful color and taste, somewhat "orange-e" but very, very subtle. Great cleansing finish. Highly recommended again, that makes two in a row. Visit Total Wine to get these beers. Paul rating: A.


Sol Kitchen said...

Ive had it. An excellent brew indeed!

Anonymous said...

Ok, so here's the deal SIR. I tried your recommendation and what can I say: not decent enough. So I did a taste test with my nephew, I blind tested your Ale, Natural Light, Bud Light and Negroe Modelo. Well Guess what!? Me and my nephew both preferred the Natural Light. I tell you one thing, beer is not your forte. The other thing is Natural Light is made in St. Louis, where is St. Peter's made? Probably England, although I didn't research it. Another reason not to support it, unless you like supporting unbecoming nations. Here's a thought, why don't you review some American beers, I can give recommendations if you need some.

Dente Press said...

Thanks for reading the blog Marcel. The best part of your well written comment is the word "Unbecoming". I am going to pepper that in my vocabulary once in a while as well. Enjoy the Natty Light bud!