July 4, 2008

You want a beer with that mista....?

Unlike most folk who tend to pair up their beer with food, I tend to pair mine up with literature. Whenever I drink a Dixie beer, I am thrown into the world of New Orleans and A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole, one of my favorite books of all time(#2). ( The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test by Tom Wolfe is #1). Dixie beer is a crawfish drinking beer, informal and tasty. I also recommend everyone reading A Confederacy of Dunces before the dunces make a movie out of it. Brad Pitt has long been rumored to want to make this movie, and Will Ferrell will be playing the part of Ignatius. Sounds absolutely horrible. My advice is to leave it be, nothing can ever be as great as this book is.

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