July 24, 2008

When will I grow up and stop playing Video Games?

Its a very good question. But the question should be "Why should I stop?????" Throughout my entire life, video games have been present in my house. I have had all of the following systems: Pong, Breakout, Odyssey, Intellivision, Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64, Sega, Sega Genesis, Sega Genesis 2, Playstation, Playstation 2, X-Box, X-Box 360. (No, we never did get an Atari.) And I hope to get the WII next. Its just that video games are getting so much better, richer, more deep and complex. I know for many women out there, this is the kind of talk you want your 35 year old husband to be saying about YOU, not a stupid video game. Will women ever "get into" video games? RockBand, Guitar Hero and WII seem to have sparked an interest. So the world we live in.... and with the recent birth of my boy, I can look forward to another 20+ years of excuse-free video game playing..... HAHA!!!!!!............SUCKERS!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.