May 2, 2008

Who's your City?

I'm always thinking about moving somewhere else. For a while it was Portland, Oregon, then it was Asheville, NC... Now it's Austin, TX. All the trendy, cool cities that are soooooo hip( I'm such a fraud!). I wanted to read this book to settle my nerves, to learn about different areas and what makes geography so important in your choice in where you want to move. Maybe........ convince myself that South Florida isn't the hell hole I sometimes find it to be. This book somewhat helped me. It's a bit too technical and dry, and I wanted something fun and regional, learning about different areas and what makes them so special. I think South Florida doesn't get enough credit for our tolerance....... We have everyone and everything here(except full out gambling and legal prostitution), and yet we aren't seen as progressive as some cities. We are very progressive in my opinion. I give this book a B-, very worth a read, but I just really wanted something to make me laugh.

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