January 14, 2009

Sun Sentinel v. The Herald

Which paper is better? Or should I say, which paper is worse. It might depend on which side of the county line you fall on. I happen to fall on the 954 side. I cancelled my subscription to the Herald about a year ago. I just got tired of reading the endless "Miami" propaganda that the Herald gets caught up in. I needed a change. So I went with my friends and family's' wisdom and subscribed with the Sentinel. Boy are they wrong. I can honestly say that The Herald is a better newspaper than The Sentinel. They have better writers for one, and the layout of the paper is much more readable. I find they cover Broward just as good or better than The Sentinel. Reading The Sentinel is like eating an unseasoned piece of tofu. So I am going to switch back to The Herald. I'm sure in these times they'll appreciate my or any ones business.


Kelly said...

Sorry Paul but once again, I must disagree. I read the sentinel. I am not a fan of the layout of the herald or the print...maybe it's because I have always read the sentinel...but thats what i like!

Anonymous said...

Ah Paul, you dummy!