May 31, 2008

Fire Rock Pale Ale

Well, The beer gods are definitely looking out for me. My friend Tim who lives up in good ol' Tallahassee ( really Lamont), recommended I buy this beer at Publix. The problem is, I never saw this beer at my Plantation Publix. So while I was at Publix today picking up a few items, I went to the beer section, and whhhhhhaaaaaaa!, it was there. Weird stuff , man. He is right, this beer is very, very good. Paul Rating: A. I am liking the pale ales now more than ever.

May 29, 2008

When the Great Fall

Spielberg Indy Lucas

Indiana Jones 4 is horrible. If anyone tells you that this movie is even "OK" there is something really wrong with them. It's a total piece of crap. I didn't want to see this movie, but somehow, I got cornered into going. "A fun night out"....Yea right. The part that gets me so mad is we spent $30+ dollars on this travesty, and I even had one get in free pass. Spielberg and Lucas have lost touch. Its the same old movie we've seen a hundred times. It worked in the 80s and 90s, but not anymore. How many more car chases through the jungle can we endure? Seeing these two great American directors and producers reduced to Indiana Jones 4 is embarrassing. Other people deserve our money, not these two dinosaurs.


Newcastle is smooth and mellow, just like it says on the bottle. It reminds me of soda pop. I don't know if it is the shape of the bottle or what, but its very Willy Wonka like to me. Its a good, solid beer, very drinkable. Paul Rating :B.

May 26, 2008

The Plantation Trolley (RIP)

Plantation Trolley

The Plantation trolley circulated in an empty Midtown with nothing to do and plenty of parking. A better use for the trolley would be a direct shuttle to downtown Ft. Lauderdale or even Sawgrass Mills. Then people would use it! Parking is an issue in downtown Ft. Lauderdale and at least there are different restaurants, bars, entertainment and shopping at these other destinations.The much awaited, but lets see if it happens, 321 North, is nowhere close to even being actualized. With the downturn in the housing market, everybody's dream of bringing people to Midtown is not coming anytime soon. So why not use our resources and use the trolley for existing areas. The shuttle to these destinations would make Plantation a better place to live by providing public transportation to places people want to go. Saving on gas and parking would be a another benefit.The Plantation Trolley has a lot of potential, lets hope the City uses it right.

May 25, 2008

Carlsberg Beer

This is what I want after cutting the yard in 90 degree weather, an ice cold beer. Carlsburg is pretty good. The Paul rating on it is a solid "B". When I bought it, I thought it was going to be a light beer, in taste, not calories. Its is more solid than I thought, and I was pleasantly surprised. That said, the feeling after you have cut the yard is one of the best in the world. Sit down, have a beer, and savor the moment.

May 24, 2008

Yes, We're Certified !!


Today our yard became a Certified Wildlife Habitat. All you have to do is go online and fill out a questionnaire. It is a very simple process. The City of Plantation is encouraging its upstanding citizens to certify their yard. If your vain enough, and I guess I am, you can buy a metal sign to stick in front of your house. You also get a tee-shirt as well. If your interested, here is the link:

May 16, 2008

Icon Las Olas

Icon Las Olas

Here's another building that I have been fascinated with. Icon Las Olas. Yes, right next to the poor Ol' Stranahan house. 42 stories. Makes it one of the tallest buildings in Ft. Lauderdale, along side the empty , but , somewhat growing on me, Las Olas Riverhouse. Parking is the main issue here, along with finding people with just tons of cash to live downtown. It makes no sense to me to make all these sky scrappers so "high-end". Make it affordable so normal people, professionals, young people, eclectic /artistic/ Richard Florida type of stuff, who like to go out and create a scene live there. Maybe people with children......Fill up these places first with really affordable prices, demand will drive prices up, people will sell, then you'll get the people you really desire to live there. I mean, haven't these people played Sim City????? Click Icon Las Olas to check it out.

Atlantic Center

Atlantic Center

Here is a building I have been digging lately. Its the Atlantic Center (blue, right) that they are going to build on 2nd street, one block north of Las Olas. Its going to be office space (business and finance) with retail and a health club. Oh and by the way it will be very "green" and hurricane "proof"(?). We'll see. I will be able to see this building as I drive to work in the morning going east on Broward bvld from Plantation. The taller the better in my opinion. We really need one signature building in Fort Lauderdale to frame the skyline. Click Atlantic Center title to check it out more.

May 13, 2008

Go Retro

I say keep this paint scheme. I love it. It is way better than the current one that they designed. You would of thought they would of gave JR a cooler scheme at the beginning of the season....Who knows.

Just one road

At times, you only have one road to go down, no matter what you think.

May 9, 2008

I'm Not There......Really.

bob dylan

Shawncy and I hated this movie. Being Bobby D fans, I don't know, we found it painful to watch. I get the whole "spirit" of him stuff, the different characters, but found it unwatchable. If you want something truly trippy and surreal, just listen to Blonde on Blonde. There is nothing left to be said.

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale

I love this beer. Its very pure to me. The second glass is always the best. I went through a stage with this beer about a year ago were it was all I wanted to drink. It stays in the back of your mind, so I bought it this time around. I am trying to do "new" beers, but I decided to revisit. Maybe I should do some more revisiting.

May 7, 2008

Four Corners

Four Corn-ers
and I
Missed the Show.

May 2, 2008

Grand Theft Auto 4

Grand Theft Auto 4

Wow, this game is too much!!!! Its so deep, so complex, that at times, you cant even believe it. I mean, I went on a date with some chick, and took her bowling, this really a video game?????? The graphics are awesome, the city, in which you play the game in is so big, that you wonder how they can fit all of this information on one disk. Its good, clean, American fun...for a while. I am ready to go back to Halo 3.....

Bird Feeder Update II

Well, this bird feeder has at least....survived. Its not squirrel proof. I see them eating out of it all the time. They"suspend" themselves from the cord. Been enjoying the cardinals a lot. The blue jays too. I enjoy birds being around.

Garden Update

The sunflowers are coming up good. So are the green beans. I'm starting to think with this lousy economy, that I shouldn't be playing around and planting sunflowers and plant a proper garden. But I started it, so I am going to let it finish. I'm not starving yet.

Who's your City?

I'm always thinking about moving somewhere else. For a while it was Portland, Oregon, then it was Asheville, NC... Now it's Austin, TX. All the trendy, cool cities that are soooooo hip( I'm such a fraud!). I wanted to read this book to settle my nerves, to learn about different areas and what makes geography so important in your choice in where you want to move. Maybe........ convince myself that South Florida isn't the hell hole I sometimes find it to be. This book somewhat helped me. It's a bit too technical and dry, and I wanted something fun and regional, learning about different areas and what makes them so special. I think South Florida doesn't get enough credit for our tolerance....... We have everyone and everything here(except full out gambling and legal prostitution), and yet we aren't seen as progressive as some cities. We are very progressive in my opinion. I give this book a B-, very worth a read, but I just really wanted something to make me laugh.

Beautiful Stella

Stella....Paul Rating --- A. Very solid. Crisp yet flavorful. You savor and relish this beer. Sadly, since my beer palate has somewhat matured, this beer has diminished somewhat..... I still give it an "A", I love drinking it, but I am now craving quote unquote more exotic tastes. And that is the great thing about beer, there is so many to choose from, you can never get to them all.